What are the main components of reinforced mixed carbon ribbon?

2024-11-28 09:34

The main components of enhanced hybrid carbon ribbon (also known as enhanced half tree half wax) include wax, resin, and high-performance materials. Here is a detailed introduction to these ingredients:

Wax: Wax is one of the important components that enhance the mixed carbon ribbon, determining the melting point of the ribbon and the energy level required for printing. Due to the lower melting point of wax compared to resin, the energy levels required for printing with wax based or mixed based carbon ribbons are relatively low.

Resin: Resin is another key component of reinforced mixed carbon ribbon, which has high hardness and wear resistance, and can significantly improve the scratch resistance, chemical solvent resistance, and heat resistance of carbon ribbon. The resin component in the mixed carbon ribbon usually occupies a certain proportion, which enables the ribbon to maintain a certain degree of flexibility while having better durability.

High performance materials: In order to further improve the overall performance of the reinforced hybrid carbon ribbon, manufacturers usually add some high-performance materials, such as carbon nanotubes or graphene. These materials can significantly enhance the strength, conductivity, and heat resistance of carbon ribbons, enabling them to maintain stable printing effects in various harsh environments.

Overall, the enhanced hybrid carbon ribbon achieves improved durability, heat resistance, chemical solvent resistance, and scratch resistance while maintaining good printing results and cost-effectiveness by combining wax, resin, and high-performance materials. This type of carbon ribbon is suitable for various label printing tasks that require long-term storage and have certain requirements for printing quality.