Barcode carbon tape printing Asian silver label paper in the field of photovoltaic power generation

2023-07-02 18:12
  • Barcode carbon tape printing Asian silver label paper in the field of photovoltaic power generation applications are:

    It can print a variety of text labels inside the power plant, which is convenient for managers to effectively manage the equipment, such as various pipeline identification, equipment name, operation guide and so on.

    It can print the identity of the battery component, such as the model of the single battery, the number of the battery string, the voltage of the battery string, the current of the battery string, the resistance of the battery string and other information.

    It can print tracker identification, such as tracker number, installation location, installation time, etc.

    It can print the identification of the photovoltaic power generation system, such as system name, system power, system voltage, system current and other information.