Today we're going to talk about something we often come into contact with in our daily lives - book barcodes and self-adhesive labels.首先,让我们来看看图书条码。图书条码一般出现在图书的背面,它是一种二维码,包含着图书的各种信息,比如图书的ISBN码、作者、出版社和价格等等。很多图书馆、书店和超市都会使用图书条码,读者和工作人员只需要用扫描仪扫描一下,就可以轻松地获取到图书的各种信息,非常方便快捷。
In general, book barcodes and self-adhesive labels are indispensable items in modern society. They make our lives easier and manufacturing more efficient and precise. I hope you can realize their importance and cherish these seemingly insignificant little objects more.